With my sons arrival just around the corner I have been working at a frantic pace to get his room finished. Although this was a fairly easy DIY project, it felt like I was cursed with one stupid mistake after another. Realistically most, if not all of the mistakes could have easily been avoided if I simply followed the time tested adage “measure twice cut once”. Time was not luxury for this project, thus mistakes were made. It was true battle of managing my time and getting as much done as fast as possible.
The biggest hindrance preventing me from finding ample time to work on this project was the simple fact that this room shares a wall with my daughters. This meant that while in my daughters room you could literally hear everything I was doing. So naturally I was restricted to only working on this room while she was awake. Between a full time job, my daughters sleeping schedule, and tackling all of the other weekly obligations, I completed this project as fast as physically possible.
In the end I consider myself lucky that all my mistakes did not result in seriously bodily injury. Needless to say my sons room really pushed my limits and allowed me to learn exactly how much you can actually fix/hide with enough painters putty, spackle, or caulking.