Bachelor Party in the Woods

Bachelor Party in the Woods:

Its official, I am an old man.  This morning as I prepare to head to Vegas for my brothers bachelor party I can’t help but reflect on what my bachelor party would look like if I were currently engaged.

I easily came to a quick decision, which also pointed out that I am an old man.  What makes me an old man is the fact that my bachelor party, while fun for me, would by most definitions be categorized as boring.   Fun to this old man is spending a week attending an educational workshop where I’d get to learn the intricacies of building a proper tree house.

Im not sure how many people are familiar with the company Nelson Treehouse.  But for those who are not familiar, the company can been seen on the TV show Treehouse Masters on Animal Planet.  Before landing a TV show they offered week long educational workshops where they would teach a group of enthusiast how to properly build a treehouse with hands on experience.

With that said, it appears as though their rise to fame have caused them to be extremely busy which has resulted in a hiatus from the Treehouse workshops.

I will always be interested in attending their workshop.  Even if Nelson Treehouse decides that workshops are not in their long term business plan, Michael Garnier, the Inventor of the Garnier Limb (GL) (the original Treehouse Attachment Bolt / TAB), offers a wide range of experiences at his Treehouse Treesort in Cave Junction, Oregon.

The funny part in this short anecdote is, as I was packing my bag, I asked my wife “You know what I’d do if I were to plan my own bachelor party?”  Without hesitation she replied “you’d go build treehouse for a week”  I did not even give the slightest hint to my wife, so I can’t help but take her response as a sign that I picked the right one.